Thursday, November 10, 2011


Just couple of days ago, Honda unveiled new version of their humanoid robot project called Asimo. First introduced in 2000 as an “automatic machine”, Asimo is now fully “autonomous” having the ability to make decisions based on its surroundings. The new version of the humanoid robot shows advancement in intelligence, dexterity and improved task-performance capability.

The Japanese hand sign for "I love you"

Asimo has high-level balancing skill, giving him the ability to run forward and backwards; walk and hop on one or two legs. With his compact multi-fingered hands the robot can pick up a bottle, twist off the cap and pour a liquid in a soft paper cup without crushing it. Asimo can also use his hands to communicate in sign language, which I find amazing.

Here is a video of his incredible skills. Enjoy!


  1. That's some amazing dexterity and articulation for a machine! Have the developers gone so far as to classify ASIMO as a semi-sentient form of AI or are they sticking to just 'intelligence' mimicry? Either way, that is pretty mind blowing. Definitely the beginning of a lot of cool future innovations.

  2. Sooner or later, our life wiil be really like what happen in movies. There are going to have lots of robots work around us.
