Saturday, November 12, 2011

Turn OFF the Couch Potato mode - Its time to move ... UP

I guess many of you (myself included) associate Jawbone with their Bluetooth devices and portable speakers. However, seems they decided to explore the market with a different type of device. Their newest creation is called UP and it’s a wrist-worn gadget that tracks your sleep, diet and activities. The cool looking device works along with an application for your iPhone or iPad. An Android based software is also on the way.

As stated by Jawbone, UP is smart enough to routinely measure and store by itself, all parts of your activity. That includes calories burned, number of steps taken, distance, velocity, and active versus inactive time during the day.

The smartphone application can also help keeping you motivated and monitoring your diet. It offers different challenges to help maintain proper nutrition and fitness. For example one of the challenges might be to take 100,000 steps over a week, to replace sugary drinks with water for 10 days or to climb 2,000 steps. Another cool feature of the application is to track your sleep patterns and to wake you up at the best time depending on your natural sleep cycle.

According to Jawbone the Li-Ion polymer battery lasts up to 10 days. After that it will take about 80 minutes to recharge via USB port. The device is priced at $99 and is available at most of the major online retailers.


  1. Wow, great idea. Can't imagine wearing something that red 24/7 (what if I wanted to wear green clothes and it wasn't Christams time?)... lol. Maybe it needs to look like and also function like a watch (so there won't be two wrist apparatus'). I'm sure it has some evolving to go, but what a great idea. And what super great gadgets and technology you have found for your blog. I have learned a lot! Like it, love it!

  2. That's an awesome new way for Jawbone to apply their bluetooth tech and experience. A versatile device like this is definitely work the (in my opinion) modest price tag. Has it been explained how exactly it keeps track of the various variable, over and above heart rate (just because heart rate has proven to be a slightly flawed method of measuring such things). Thanks for posting about this, I definitely am going to look into one of these.

  3. I think its a pretty cool gadget to have if your trying to lose weight or if your trying to develop a healthier life style. I agree with paminbz that it should function more like a watch so it can be easier for people to use.
