Sunday, October 30, 2011

Upcoming shoe gadgets v2.0

( ... continuing from the last blog )

Here are two more shoe gadgets that we might see in the near future :

The first one is the Embedded GPS – GTX Corp partnering with shoe manufacturer Aetrex are soon going to offer shoes that can be GPS tracked in real-time. Think about all the possibilities that will give us. The main customer target groups for the embedded GPS shoes are parents that would like to keep a track of their children. The technology can be also useful for those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. You can keep track of the wearer’s location through an online portal. Scheduled to go on the market by the end of November, the shoes will be priced at $299 a pair.

The second gadget is a shoe device that can replace the white cane – Anirudh Sharma, a young researcher at Hewlett-Packard labs in Bangalore, India, has come up with a navigational tool for the blind. His device, named La Chal, will be built inside a shoe.

A vibrating feedback from the front, back or either side of the shoe could lead the way for a vision impaired person. A vibration on the front indicates they should go straight, a vibration on the right means they should turn right and so on. There will also be an obstacle detecting sensor that will work for up till ten feet away.

By utilizing an Android running smartphone application the user will be able to select his destination in Google Maps. After that it is only a matter of following the turn-by-turn directions.

While there is no info about when are we going to see it on the market, Sharma is planning to share La Chal’s schematics and application via the Aurdino community. Through a “Do-it yourself” project in Wikipedia, users would be able to make their own improves and updates on the system.

Hopefully this is what will bring the release date of the device closer!

1 comment:

  1. Technology is crazy nowadays. I bet one day, they will have nitric shoes. This could benefit all the slow runners.
